A Relentless Pursuit for DE&I

ByLaura Ziegler

With more than 25 years of service to our community and clients, OpTech has established itself as an innovative leader in talent management and technology solutions. Our commitment to excellence is rooted in core values of integrity, curiosity, freedom, and doing what’s right—always. Diversity is not just a principle but a fundamental part of who we are, woven into the very fabric of our organization. We believe that the unique blend of backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives across our team empowers us to overcome challenges, drive innovation, and achieve success in all we do.

As a women-owned enterprise, diversity and inclusion is a natural extension of our beliefs and values. We are committed to maintaining an open and nurturing environment that fosters collaboration, drives diverse thinking among our employees and partners, and creates a culture that respects and celebrates diversity and inclusion inside the walls of our firm and within the diverse communities where our clients operate.

Because diversity is at the very core of who we are, we have realized the following outcomes from our programs:

  1. It reinforces our reputation as the employer of choice in our industry and beyond.
  2. Employees feel their voice is heard at work and feel empowered to perform their best work.
  3. Employees are proud to say their company provides equal opportunities and in fact, does.

OpTech focuses on three main areas in its quest for diversity and inclusion. These include gender parity, ethnic diversity and veteran’s re-entering civilian life after active duty.

Gender Parity

Gender parity is a longstanding priority for OpTech and has helped us increase the number of women at all levels in the organization. Our goal is to provide conditions in our work environment to achieve annual increases in the percentage of women managers and senior leaders. Our initiatives on gender diversity include:
• Development opportunities: mentoring and coaching
• A flexible and supportive work environment
• Role model events, round tables and network discussions
• Leadership development training

Ethnic Diversity
OpTech believes that we are only as good as the people we attract, hire and retain. This applies to the firms we provide talent for as well. We find that when companies recruit from a diverse set of potential employees, they are more likely to hire the best and brightest in the labor market. Additionally, when a company is more diverse, it is more representative of the United States and its customer base – creating a strong competitive advantage which in turn ensures increased market share.

Benefits of diversity programs include increased innovation, improved social
cohesion, gains in worker efficiency and reduced turnover.

By implementing an ethnic diversity program, our employees have seen the following benefits:
• Increased innovation
• Improved social cohesion
• Gains in worker efficiency
• Reduced turnover

As a provider of solutions and services to the Federal Government, including the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Defense, we understand the importance of the missions our veterans have performed. Our dedicated team of recruiting and sales staff appreciate the values, leadership and unique skills veterans bring to the workforce. OpTech teams with clients that have similar goals and objectives to create ideal partnerships.

OpTech is dedicated to proactively seeking qualified veterans and have created an effective process for identifying, recruiting, and assisting them in finding jobs and advancing their careers after their military service. We offer our veteran employees outstanding career opportunities supporting innovative companies with cutting-edge technology. OpTech is proud to be certified by the Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency as a Silver Level Employer and to assist veterans in their transition to civilian careers.



Diversity is a business imperative for OpTech. With sustained organizational commitments, we aim to continue building upon previous achievements and to lead in new areas. Diversity and inclusion differentiates us in the marketplace and drives our ability to identify and develop the best talent, create an engaged workforce and enhance the quality of life for both our employees and our clients. These commitments will be reviewed annually to ensure relevancy, as we recognize the word “diversity” is not constant but morphing and changing over the course of time.

By Laura Ziegler

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