OpTech Wins Best and Brightest 10 years in a Row!

OpTech, LLC was once again recognized as one of Metropolitan Detroit’s Best and Brightest Places to work for. OpTech takes pride in being one of the Best and Brightest in Metro Detroit, as this is the company’s 1Oth time receiving this award. Along with the other companies recognized, OpTech was chosen based on their innovation […]
Strategies for Hiring the Best Talent NOW

The job market is unlike anything our nation has seen in decades. In 2019, unemployment rates hit a 49-year low. To top it off, companies added 18 percent more jobs than in 2018 and the turnover rate is at the highest level since 2001 (Bureau of Labor Statistics). The reality of this new environment has […]
Bridging the Massive Technology Gender Gap
As we inch closer to 2020, a statistic by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) sits looming as a reminder of the massive gender gap in the technology industry. According to the BLS, there will be 1.4 million computer science jobs available in the US by 2020, but women will be on track to only […]
Giving Back – Staff in Action

As most of you are probably aware, OpTech believes strongly in charitable activities, especially those having a direct impact on children and STEM Education. Yesterday, OpTech team members participated in Boulan Park Middle School’s A.P.T. to Succeed program. A.P.T. to Succeed is a project in which local 8th grade students experience a professional interview by […]
We are Detroit

Happy 313 Day. We love this city. Our city. It has left its mark on all of us, in one way or another. The authenticity, the grit, the splendor, the history; Detroit is real and magical and always evolving and growing…just like each one of us. We are Detroit. #proud
Black History Month is a Time for Reflection and a time to take action…moving forward always

Six Secrets Revealed on How to Land Your Next Gig

We have all heard time and time again specifics do’s and don’ts for a job interview. Do be polite and talk to the receptionist. Don’t slouch. Do mimic the interviewers body language. Don’t text or take calls during your interview. Do ask questions. These pieces of advice are incredibly useful to anyone, but what about […]
Career Resolutions for a New Year

Did you make a personal New Year’s Resolution for 2019? How about one for your career growth? This year, setting firm, measurable career goals can improve your quality of life and work/life balance. Here are some suggested workplace goals:1) Get Healthy – Getting healthy is the most common New Year’s resolution made among people of […]
Our Commitment to Veterans

OpTech is committed to providing its customers with exceptional talent to fit their business needs. We also believe strongly in helping and giving back to the communities in which we work and reside. As a result, a few years ago, we developed a dedicated program for veterans returning to the workforce after completing their active […]
What Comes First, Talent or Business?

OpTech’s President and CEO, Ronia Kruse was recently featured in the Detroiter Magazine, alongside other industry experts. The article posed a question to each visionary about the role talent played on Detroit’s failed bid to host Amazon’s second world headquarters. Amazon cited several reasons why Detroit was not a contender, but the main reason was […]