Meet your recruiter - Shannon

ByLaura Ziegler


​The job search is a grueling process. It often feels like a full time job, and can lead to burn-out very quickly. We often hear candidates complain about the endless search for new opportunities. Opportunities that  appear to be a a good fit; in which an excitement builds as the candidate modifies his/her resume to highlight specific skills needed for that position; only to find the position yielded no response, no inquiry back. OpTech is in the business of finding great talent (like you) and presenting you with positions (open and viable positions) that match your skill sets. Our recruiters help candidates in their journey, providing both support, tips and tricks and having access to positions that may not even be posted yet.  

Meet Shannon: 
Job Title and Areas of Expertise – 
Senior Technical Recruiter 
10+ years recruiting administrative, finance, engineering, professional services positions 

What’s the most exciting part of your job?  The most exciting part of my job is getting the chance to help change a candidate’s life while helping to improve clients’ business at the same time.   

What’s one question every candidate should ask during a job interview? I think candidates always want to know about the timeframe and next steps. It is acceptable to ask this question of the hiring manager after the interview: “When is the hiring team looking to make a decision on either next steps or extending an offer?” 

What energizes you outside of work?  When I am not working, I enjoy spending time with my family and close friends. I am a boy mom to both a teenager and a toddler, which keeps me extremely busy.    

Have you always been a recruiter?  I graduated from U of M Dearborn with a Bachelor degree in Corporate Communication and Public Relations in 2005.  Shortly after graduation, I started working at Toyota Motor Company in their Midwest PR office, based in Detroit.  During my time there, I primarily managed a fleet of over 100 vehicles that I leased out to the various automotive journalists to gain market presence with our brand.  I LOVED my job but when the auto industry took a dive in 2008, I was laid off and temporarily went into Event Planning, and then into Property & Casualty insurance sales.  In 2011, I started working in educational recruitment, and then made the move into talent acquisition for engineering clients. and eventually Professional Services, where I am today.   
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?   
Teleportation so I can go anywhere in the world at any moment.   

By Laura Ziegler

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